


The Impacts of Relationship Marketing Bond Types of Broadband Network, Service Quality, Relationship Quality and Switching Cost on Customer Loyalty




林隆儀(Long-Yi Lin);徐稚軒(Chih-Hsuan Hsu);陳俊碩(Chun-Shuo Chen)


關係行銷結合類型 ; 服務品質 ; 關係品質 ; 轉換成本 ; 顧客忠誠 ; relationship marketing bond types ; service quality ; relationship quality ; switching cost ; customer loyalty




16卷1期(2009 / 01 / 01)


37 - 68






This study takes ISP's consumer in north Taiwan as the research target, tries to explore the influence of relationship marketing bond types of broadband network, service quality and relationship quality, switching cost on customer loyalty. The convenience sampling method was used to collect the primary data. A total of 429 questionnaires were distributed, 407 effective samples were collected and the effective response rate was 95%. The regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis. The results were list as follow: (1) Relationship marketing bond types have significant positive influence on relationship quality and switching cost, where the structure bond is the most influencer. (2) Service quality has significant positive influence on relationship quality. (3) Service quality has significant positive influence on switching cost except the reliability. (4) Relationship quality has significant positive influence on customer loyalty. (5) Loss performance cost has significant positive influence on customer behavior loyalty, and sunk cost has significant positive influence on both customer attitude and behavior loyalty.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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