


Examining Consumers' Intention to Reuse Mobile Services: An Integrative Model




張愛華(Ai-Hwa Chang);蕭丞傑(Cheng-Chieh Hisao)


行動服務 ; 理性行動理論 ; 科技接受模式 ; 創新擴散理論 ; 再使用意願 ; mobile service ; theory of reasoned action ; technology acceptance model ; innovation diffusion theory ; intention to reuse




17卷2期(2010 / 05 / 01)


69 - 94






According to the theory of reasoned action, technology acceptance model and innovation diffusion theory, the present study provides an integrative model to investigate consumers' intention to reuse mobile services. The primary objective of this study is to examine how several factors of mobile service acceptance-ease of use, usefulness, playfulness, normative pressure, compatibility, observability and price acceptability-influence consumers' attitude toward mobile services and their reuse intentions. Analysis upon 402 usable responses using structural equation modelling reveals that ease of use, usefulness, playfulness, compatibility, observability and price acceptability have significantly positive influences on consumers' attitude which further affects their reuse intention. However, normative pressure has no significant impact on reuse intention. Finally, a number of marketing implications and future research directions are offered to mobile service providers and researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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