


A Study of Entrepreneurship, Complementary Industries, International Market Opportunities and Brand Building: Taiwan Sports, Recreation and Leisure Industry Case Manufacturers for Example




林婷鈴(Ting-Ling Lin);謝美珍(Mei-Chen Hsieh);劉恆逸(Heng-Yih Liu);郭淑怡(Shu-I Kuo)


創業家精神 ; 互補產業 ; 國際市場機會 ; 品牌建構 ; 個案研究 ; entrepreneurship ; complementary industries ; international market opportunities ; brand building ; case study




17卷3期(2010 / 09 / 01)


85 - 110






Through the comparing and contrasting four manufacturers in the sports recreation and leisure industry in Taiwan, this study aims to answer the following research questions: Why the SMEs build their own brands? How can SMEs build own brand under the industry contexts? How can SMEs build own brand by exploring and cooperating with international networks under complementary industry conditions and international market opportunities? This study adopts multiple case method, conducts in-depth interviews and search secondary data from many sources. The results indicate that four case companies with limited resources and capabilities could build and manage own brands by integrating resources and adjusting capabilities under different growth stages. Furthermore, entrepreneurship plays the most crucial role during own brand-building process. The result also indicates that industry conditions and international market opportunities could affect own brand building process which is less explored in the previous studies. In addition, the results of this study can provide valuable suggestions to firms that are facing difficulties.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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