


The Relationship among Family Ownership, Corporate Governance and Risk-Taking




陳怡珮(Yi-Pei Chen);林翠蓉(Tsui-Jung Lin);侯啟娉(Chi-Ping Hou);張力(Li Chang);謝佩娟(Pei-Chuan Hsieh)


家族所有權 ; 公司治理 ; 風險承擔 ; family ownership ; corporate governance ; risk-taking




19卷2期(2012 / 05 / 01)


59 - 90






The study investigates the effects of family ownership and corporate governance mechanism on corporate risk-taking during 2001-2008. The empirical results show that family business undertakes more risk than non-family business, suggesting that the family tends to seek private benefits at the expense of minority shareholders because of the serious agency problem between majority and minority shareholders in family business. Furthermore, family members serving as CEOs undertake less risk than non-family CEOs in family business. We posit that the family prefers less risky investment projects because they seek to pass the firm to their heirs, not because of their expertise. The corporate governance mechanism also significantly influences the corporate risk-taking. The board size and the CEO duality are negatively related to the degree of corporate risk-taking, but the proportion of outside directors is positively related.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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