


The Foreign Institutional Trading in Taiwan Stock Market during US Sub Prime Mortgages Crisis




李顯儀(Hsien-Yi Lee);陳信宏(Hsin-Hung Chen);張志豪(Chih-Hao Chang);莊英俊(Ing-Jiunn Juang)


次級房貸金融風暴 ; 外資 ; 正向回應交易 ; sub prime mortgages financial crises ; foreign institutional ; positive feedback trading




19卷2期(2012 / 05 / 01)


91 - 116






This paper examines whether the trading behaviors of foreign institutional investors are different before and after US sub prime mortgages crises in July, 2007. The results show the positive feedback behaviors are more significant after sub prime mortgages crisis. Moreover, the foreign institutional investors buy (sell) lots of stocks, but only result in abnormal return of the stocks in short term. The behaviors will not affect the stability of the stock market. Further, the crucial finding is that the foreign institutional investors usually focus on the stocks of large companies and buy the winners and sell the losers before US sub prime mortgages crises. However, they focus on the stocks of medium and small companies during sub prime mortgages crises.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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