


The Effect of Personal Spiritual Needs on Organizational Spirituality Adoption


胡哲生(Jer-San Hu);黃浩然(Haw-Ran Wong)


社會企業 ; 使命導向 ; 組織靈性 ; 靈性需求 ; 社會交換理論 ; Social enterprise ; mission oriented ; organizational spirituality ; spiritual needs ; Social Exchange Theory




20卷1期(2013 / 01 / 01)


127 - 147






Social enterprises and not-for-profit organizations (NPOs) are organizations generally that hold on to certain values, which are closely connected to their missions and driving the organizations toward the achievement of their missions. Organizational spirituality, as a vital integrative mechanism for organizational values, objective and mission, plays critical role in passing on the shared organizational values and promoting the commitment to them. From the Social Exchange Theory perspective, organizational spirituality on the interactive level may be seen as a form of exchange that involves nonmaterial benefits of ideals and values, in which personal spiritual needs satisfaction is a key motivational force. Therefore, this research intends to develop an empirical tested personal spiritual needs scale; and to explore further the relationship between personal spiritual needs and organizational spirituality adoption. First, this research has applied the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to abstract relevant dimensions of spiritual needs, which is then further confirmed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), to develop structure for the measurement of spiritual needs. Second, this research has used the Structural Equation Model (SEM) to test the relationship between spiritual needs and organizational spirituality adoption. This research has identified and suggested that spiritual needs, which are understood as ”the features that motivate and guide a person towards the fulfillment of the expectation and importance given to one's spirituality in it various aspects”, can be seen as a multi-faceted latent construct that consist of the affective, divine, constructive, and meditative dimensions; and in a limited scope has contributed in (1) facilitating a more effective communication and transmission of organizational mission and value and thus the diffusion of organizational spirituality,; (2) identifying the possible factors and their possible dimensions that encourage the interactions and adoption of organizational spirituality and managers can focus upon, so that more effective communication can be provided and higher employees satisfaction can be achieved; and lastly (3) developing measurement scales for personal spiritual needs, so that the transmission process may be evaluate and more effective managerial steps may be proposed..

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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