


Social Marketing and Social Media: From the View of Identity Salience Theory


楊銘賢(Ming-Hsien Yang);吳濟聰(Ben Ji-Tsung Wu);高慈薏(Tzu-Yi Kao)


社群媒體 ; 利害關係人 ; 關係管理 ; 認同突顯 ; Social media ; Stakeholder ; Relationship management ; Identity salience




20卷1期(2013 / 01 / 01)


41 - 61






Based on the review of literature and using the case study method targeted at two social enterprises in Taiwan, this study aims to analysis the roles of social media in the social enterprise application, and utilizes the concept of identity salience to explore how social enterprises adopt social media to interact with consumers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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