


From Antagonism to Cooperation: Social Entrepreneurship in the Becoming of Cultural Products


蔡敦浩(Stephen D. H. Tsai);劉育忠(Ted Yu-Chung Liu);洪榮志(Arthur Jung-Chih Hung)


社會創業 ; 行動者網絡理論 ; 轉譯 ; 文化商品 ; 安平劍獅 ; social entrepreneurship ; actor-network theory ; becoming ; translation ; cultural products




20卷1期(2013 / 01 / 01)


81 - 103




過去十年探討社會創業、社區創業如何促進區域發展的相關研究,已經有明顯的成長(Hemingway, 2005; Peredo & Chrisman, 2006)。Cornwall(1998)更認為,在社區發展的過程中,創業通常被視為透過新公司、新產業和社區的動員來解決問題,讓區域或城市再度回歸成長與繁榮。近年來文化產業對在地經濟驚人的貢獻,使得許多學者開始注意這個趨勢。站在社會參與的立場,從傳統文化生成為各種文化商品,在本質上就是社會創業的歷程。問題是,無論社會創業或文化商品的相關研究,幾乎都以人類為主的英雄視野及以經濟層面為主的論述,相對忽略非人(non-human)部分的在地傳統文化之重要性,也往往看不到創業行動層面中,動態的細微之處。有鑑於此,本研究以行動者網絡理論(Actor-Network Theory,簡稱ANT),探索三百多年前即出現在台灣安平地區的劍獅,如何從原本只是安平居民住家門牆上的辟邪物,發展成為各式各樣的文化商品與文化活動,並帶動安平經濟發展的社會創業歷程,希望可以更加均衡地將人類與傳統文化都納入同等重要的位置,並進一步理解社會創業的本質及文化商品如何生成。透過行動者網絡理論的觀點,本研究發現,文化商品的生成,不僅傳統文化本身也是具有競爭力的行動體(actant),同時還會出現多種集體位移,包括:消弭對立的位移、身分認同與利益的位移及權力的位移。換言之,從傳統文化到文化商品的社會創業歷程,就是行動者從對立到合作集體位移的結果。


The past decade saw significant growth in research on how social entrepreneurship and community entrepreneurship can promote regional development (Hemingway, 2005; Peredo & Chrisman, 2006). According to Cornwall (1998), in the community development process, entrepreneurship is usually seen as a means of mobilizing new companies, new industries, and the community to resolve problems, and thereby revive growth and prosperity in the region or city. Motivated by the fact that cultural industries have made tremendous contributions to local economies in recent years, many scholars have begun to focus on this trend. From the perspective of social participation, the becoming of various cultural products from traditional cultures inherently represents social entrepreneurship, which is the process of creating something from nothing. One problem that has arisen, however, is that almost all research on social entrepreneurship and cultural products adopts a unitary discourse on the economic level in which people are the chief heroes, but neglects the importance of the non-human portion of local traditional cultures, and fails to see dynamic, subtle aspects on the level of entrepreneurial activity. In light of this situation, this study employs actor-network theory (ANT) to investigate the ”sword lion” talismans that have been made and used in the Anping district of Tainan, Taiwan for 300 years. Originally placed on the walls of people's homes in the Anping district, these lucky symbols later spawned various cultural products and activities, stimulating local economic development and social entrepreneurship. This study therefore seeks to assign equal importance to people and traditional culture, and gain further understanding of the nature of social entrepreneurship and how cultural products arise. This study discovered via the ANT perspective that, not only does traditional culture play the role of a competitive actant in the becoming of cultural products, three types of collective displacement emerge, namely displacement of elimination of antagonism, displacement of identity and benefit, and displacement of power. In other words, the process of social entrepreneurship, which extends from traditional culture to cultural products, is the result of actors' collective displacement from antagonism to cooperation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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