


Antecedents of Relationship Quality Applied to the Banking Industry and Its Comparative Study on the Competitive Models between Behavioral Loyalty and Attitudinal Loyalty


林南宏(Nan-Hong Lin);蔡承璋(Cheng-Chang Tsai);宋欣鴻(Shin-Hung Sung);王蘭薰(Lan-Hsun Wang)


品牌形象 ; 服務品質 ; 服務可及性 ; 關係品質 ; 顧客忠誠 ; brand image ; service quality ; service accessibility ; relationship quality ; customer loyalty




23卷1期(2016 / 01 / 01)


73 - 103






In view of the fact that the escalating competition in the banking industry causes banks more efforts in raising their competitive capability so as to extend extant customer base and effectively broaden customer sources, this study proposes an integrative framework to highlight the importance of brand image, service quality, and service accessibility on relationship quality and customer loyalty. The correspondent customers with each bank in Taiwan were taken as research subjects. The select ion of the three banks studied was stratified from t he to p 30 o f Business Weekly’ s 201 2 10 00 -top listing of the banking industry. Four hundred fifty questionnaires were distributed, with 348 copies returned. Not counting invalid copies, a valid return rate of 69.56% was reached. Structural equation modeling was used to test related hypotheses. The results reveal that : (1) The brand image does not impact customer satisfaction, but has a positive effect on customer trust and customer commitment. (2) The service quality has a positively significant effect on customer satisfaction, customer trust (in behavioral loyalty model), and customer commitment. (3) The service accessibility impacts customer satisfaction and customer trust positively and significantly, but has no effect on customer commitment. (4) The customer trust and customer commitment have a positively significant effect on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty, respectively, while customer satisfaction significantly impacts behavioral loyalty only. Managerial implications, research restrict ions, and suggest ions for future research are also discussed

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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