


A Study of the Neways 2021's Social Enterprise Business Model in Xiaolin Village




社會企業 ; 商業模式 ; 小林社區 ; 2021 社會企業 ; Social Enterprises ; Business Model ; Neways 2021




24卷1期(2017 / 01 / 01)


47 - 75




小林社區歷經莫拉克風災的重大傷害,蔡松諭理事長為協助居民重建經濟生活,於是創立「2021 社會企業」,以當地特色農產青梅,透過創新的商業模式與產銷價值鏈,打造上、中、下游合作的「老梅經濟圈」為當地創造就業機會。其組織章程明定1/3 盈餘投入公益,更於2014年獲邀入府與總統對談,為優秀的社會企業代表之一。因此,本研究選擇「2021 社會企業」為研究個案,並應用Osterwalder 商業模式設計訪談大綱,進行半結構式的訪談,以瞭解其如何應用社會企業與商業模式概念,創造社會價值。研究結果發現,「2021 社會企業」的商業模式中,以「社會使命」、「價值主張」與「社會創新」為核心。其創業動機蘊含社區意識與社會使命,並以公平貿易概念收購青梅,然後應用獨家移轉自日本的醃梅技術提升商品價格,同時提倡保健養生與綠色消費之價值主張。銷售部分,除了以B2B方式供應餐飲業原料需求,也製作老梅商品銷售以獲取利潤。最後,將盈餘投入建設梅子廊道觀光園區、推廣小林社區農產,創造社區經濟並永續經營。綜觀「2021 社會企業」以特有的商業模式與創新的產銷價值鏈,改善當地居民經濟生活,是相當成功的商業模式,可提供相關類型的社會企業典範轉移,與後續研究參考。


Following Typhoon Morakot, Xiaolin Village was left in ruins. To help residents rebuild their lives and livelihoods, the social enterprise Neways 2021 was formed. Based around the locally grown green ume plum, Neways 2021 utilized a social enterprise business model to build what it called a Ume Economic Zone that linked upstream, midstream and downstream partners as a way to create abundant local business opportunities. Within the Ume Economic Zone, 1/3 of all profits go to employees, while another 1/3 of profits are statedly set aside for charitable goals. In 2014, Neways 2021 was also one of the few social enterprises invited to meet with the president of Taiwan. This paper focuses on an analysis of the social enterprise Neways 2021 and employs the Osterwalder's business model framework in its design of interview outlines. Through semi-structured interviews, we seek to better understand how to use social enterprises and business model concepts to create social value. This paper has found Neways 2021's business model rests on the three pillars of social purpose, value proposition, and social innovation. With an entrepreneurial motivation that stems from community awareness and a deep sense of social purpose, Neways 2021 offers its growers a fair price for their plums, before using a unique pickling process imported from Japan to enhance the value of its plum products. Throughout this process, Neways 2021 also manages to promote healthy living value propositions and green consumption social values. Finally, in addition to selling agricultural raw materials to the food and drink industry, Neways 2021 also sells a line of profitable manufactured goods. Neways 2021 has also set its sights on sustainable development with the construction of a "plum corridor" tourist park and through its support of Xiaolin's agricultural products and the creation of a deep economy. Broadly speaking, Neways 2021's innovative production and marketing value chain-which has used local agricultural practices to improve the lives of residents and also strengthen community bonds-has been a fantastically successful business model and one that can serve as an excellent paradigm for similar social enterprises.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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