
德國社會企業Dialogue Social Enterprise的國際化策略


The Internationalization Strategies of Dialogue Social Enterprise




社會企業 ; 國際化策略 ; 市場進入模式 ; Social Enterprise ; Internationalization Strategies ; Market Entry Mode




25卷1期(2018 / 01 / 01)


63 - 82




德國的「對話社會企業」(Dialogue Social Enterprise GmbH,簡稱DSE)是少數成功推展到世界各地的國際社會企業品牌,1988年從德國起家,範圍橫跨歐洲、美洲及亞洲,包含台灣共有31個據點。DSE推出「黑暗中對話」(Dialogue in the Dark)活動,運用障礙情境體驗轉換成商業運作模式,進而達到改變社會的目的。至今活動已擴及118個城市,39個國家、超過800萬人次參與體驗,創造全球8000位以上視障人士的就業機會。本研究旨在探究DSE的組織如何跨境拓展規模,將其營運模式與市場經驗移植到海外,以幫助全球的失能者融入社會。文中從內在因素、社會使命、市場進入模式、關係網絡和市場營銷規劃的競爭優勢來分析其國際化策略。說明DSE如何以原創為基礎,配合在地創新,創造出國際化的有利條件,企圖建構在學術上和實務上可供社會企業參考的國際化策略論述。


As an innovative german social entrepreneurship, Dialogue Social Enterprise GmbH(DSE) is proven to be successful to enter the global market and continues seeking new opportunities to spread the social impact worldwide. Dialogue Social Enterprise GmbH was founded in 2008 by Andreas Heinecke as a limited liability company which is situated in Hamburg, Germany. Dialogue businesses are run in more than 30 countries, holding activities and programs in Europe, Africa and Asia, and are based on three programs: Dialogue in the Dark, Dialogue in Silence, Dialogue with Time. Over 8 million people from 118 cities have participated their activities worldwide. DSE is providing thousands of jobs for disabled people. The objectives of this study are to find out its global market entry mode and internationalization strategies. The theoretical framework is based on understanding the nature of social enterprise and elements of market entry strategy, the internal and external environment affecting the entrance of the case company. The internationalization strategies of DSE have further come to include the aspect of background, social mission, networks, market entry mode, network and competitive advantage. The result can serve as theoretical foundation and practical guides for developing social enterprises internationalizations strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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