


Effects of Working Pressure and Response Behavior on Life Satisfaction of Delivery Drivers




工作壓力 ; 因應行為 ; 生活滿意度 ; 多群組結構方程模型分析 ; working pressure ; response behavior ; life satisfaction ; Multi-group SEM Analysis




26卷2期(2019 / 05 / 01)


43 - 78






Delivery activities are becoming more closely related to people's living activity as the progress and prosperity of E-commerce. The satisfaction and comfort of the delivery drivers in both work and life are not only coherent with firm performance but also with the effectiveness of economic activities. The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between working pressure, response behavior, and life satisfaction of delivery drivers of logistics companies in Taiwan. The research framework is constructed based on literature review and objectives of the study, which is composed of working pressure and response behavior as independent variables and life satisfaction as the dependent variable. Three hundred and fifteen valid samples are obtained through questionnaire survey among logistics companies in Taiwan. Based on the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method and Multi-group SEM Analysis, research results show that (1) working pressure has significant negative effect on life satisfaction and age as well as education are two significant factors which moderate the effect; (2) problem-oriented response behavior has significant positive effect on life satisfaction and education is a significant factor which moderates the effect; (3) delivery drivers with different years of age and seniority reveal significant difference in working pressure and life satisfaction, and those who with different education background reveal significant difference in response behavior and life satisfaction. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications drawn from research results are provided for future research and the practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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