


Buy More Green Products Because of Moral Sense? Green Product Purchase Intention from Perceived Price and Perceived Quality: Product Green Degree as the Moderating Factor




綠色程度 ; 知覺價格 ; 知覺品質 ; 道德強度 ; 道德判斷 ; Green Degree ; Perceived Price ; Perceived Quality ; Moral Intensity




26卷3期(2019 / 09 / 01)


1 - 26






This study focuses on the relevant factors affecting green product purchase intention. Using multi-level hierarchical linear modeling to focus on group level (green degree) and individual level. This study discusses the impact of perceived price and perceived quality on moral intensity and moral judgment, and examines how moral intensity and moral judgment influence green product purchase intention. The result shows that: 1. Moral intensity and moral judgment have significantly positive effect on the green product purchase intention. 2. Perceived price and perceived quality also has the significantly positive effect on the moral intensity and moral judgment. 3. In the relation of perceived price to moral intensity and moral judgment, green degree could be a positive moderator. In the relation of perceived quality to moral intensity and moral judgment, green degree could be a positive moderator.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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