


Aesthetic Capital of Corporate Governance, Organization Culture, and Stakeholders Identity




公司治理 ; 美學資本 ; 組織文化 ; 利害關係人 ; Corporate Governance ; Aesthetic Capital ; Organizational Culture ; Stakeholders Identity




27卷2期(2020 / 05 / 01)


69 - 102






The emphasis on aesthetics economic times, most people think make the transformation within transformation through aesthetic enterprise, you can guarantee the same time the economic benefits, but also actively through corporate governance, play its corporate social responsibility, to meet the needs of various stakeholders, this study try to explore whether such a discourse forward towards development. This is an empirical research targeting of listed and OTC companies, general business Stakeholders (including employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, communities, governments, the investing public, accountants, lawyers, etc.) Through purposive sampling, all the questionnaires are distributed and replied in hardcopy. In total, 483 valid samples are collected which strive to construct a study on Corporate governance aesthetics capital that is more possible to make generalization. This research manages to analyze the relationship between Corporate governance aesthetics capital, stakeholders recognition and organizational culture as a moderator. The hypotheses are examined to show. First, corporate governance aesthetics capital and stakeholders recognition have positive correlation with statistical significance; Second, organization cultures has significant and positive correlation with stakeholders recognition, and Finally, organization cultures has partially tuned the relationship between Corporate governance aesthetics capital and stakeholders recognition with statistical significance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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