Returning to the indigenous people's land to develop agriculture is a good thing for the land, communities, and environment. However, lack of resources, too much agricultural ordinance from the government, and lack of guidance often make micro-agriculture entrepreneurs feel frustrated. Understanding the responsibilities and motivations of the return of the indigenous people will be helpful to the government for making relevant policies that assist the industry development. This study is to explore the meaning of the context that is unique to the indigenous entrepreneurs, which shows what the learning journey of such an entrepreneur looks like, and what the perceptive missions of these entrepreneurs are. This helps us to understand the motivations of why indigenous entrepreneurs return to their land to run agriculture business. Utilizing purposive sampling, we conducted an in-depth interview with a micro-agricultural entrepreneur at the foot of Yushan and listened to his entrepreneurial story. We use triangulation to analyze the meaning of the interview context of the case subject. This study reveals it is a bit of a challenge considering the agriculture business environment in Taiwan. The middle generation farmers inherit the family farms but they usually have to launch their business from ground zero and start a micro-agriculture family farm. It is not easy for family farm entrepreneurs as there are many barriers in manpower, government regulation, and marketing channels. It is helpful to convert the previous experience for entrepreneur learning. Networking in relevant communities and utilizing social media can also be important resources for developing entrepreneur capabilities. It is very common to see numerous setbacks in the entrepreneur journey. One of the most important driving forces that encourage the entrepreneurs to persist is social identification for their communities, and for their values of organic farming. Commitment to the community is also an obligation that explains the perseverance of the entrepreneurs. Qualitative data analysis results in two propositions: Proposition 1: Entrepreneurship learning process modifies the business ideas and plans; Proposition 2: The journey of returning-home entrepreneur triggers the awareness of their missions. The indigenous communities need indigenous people. In order to summon more indigenous people to return to their land, more opportunities are needed. Creating more job opportunities, turning the industry, assisting people with more effective operating strategies, and equipping them with the capabilities to learn will encourage more indigenous people to go back to their land and create great agriculture community places with the support of local government.
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