


The Impact of the Cultural Embeddedness of Microfinance Organization on Community Development in Aceh, Indonesia




微型貸款 ; 文化鑲嵌 ; 社會資本 ; 社區發展 ; Microfinance ; Embeddedness ; social capital ; community development




28卷1期(2021 / 01 / 01)


31 - 67






Aceh is located at the Northwest side of Sumatra, Indonesia. 98% of the local population are Muslim. In 2004, the magnitude 9.3 devastating earthquake in Indian Ocean caused South Asia tsunami, which severely destroyed Aceh. Although Aceh was much lacking of resources comparing the rural areas in Taiwan, the reconstructing work in Aceh enhanced the development of local microfinance organizations, and the local economy was developed on a community basis to improve the local people's livelihood since 2005. One successful example is Beng Mawah. This study aimed to explore the role of such NGO in local social network and to analyze its operational model, the embeddedness of Islamic culture in the region, as well as how it affected local communities. Qualitative research methods were adapted in this study, in which the research was based on the case study of Beng Mawah and the researcher's participation of local activities. The information and data was obtained by observation and interviews. Role of Beng Mawah in local economy and community development and the flow of social capital within local network was analyzed from perspective of economic sociology, so that the operation of Beng Mawah with Islamic culture embedded and its impact was observed. Research and analysis found that embeddedness of Islamic culture showed a very positive impact on the development of local communities, while Beng Mawah had accumulated social capital during its transformation and systematically empowered the communities to neighboring area. Finally, further discussion was carried out on the feasibility of Beng Mawah model in response to the current situation and proposed institutional restrictions that may occur in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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