


The Study of the Key Factors Affecting Consumer's Selection of OTT Services-Using AHP Method




OTT影音服務平台 ; 關鍵因素 ; 層級分析法 ; OTT (Over-the-top) ; Key Factors ; AHP




28卷2期(2021 / 05 / 01)


23 - 54




網路發展日趨成熟,帶動網路影音服務需求,消費者收看影視節目再也不受限於無線和有線電視。觀眾透過網路平台收看影視節目的方式,不但改變人們「看電視」的習慣,更嚴重衝擊無線和有線電視系統與頻道業者的生存。本研究經由文獻探討,找出影響消費者選擇(Over-the-Top, OTT)影音服務平台的關鍵因素,建立具5個構面以及20個關鍵因素的層級架構,接著設計並進行AHP問卷調查。問卷結果顯示,關鍵構面其重要性依序為「產品」、「網站設計」、「服務」、「企業」、「功能」構面;而前4名關鍵因素依序為「價格」、「促銷」、「網站安全性」、「略過廣告」。最後,本研究依問卷結果提出建議,希望可供政府相關單位制定OTT發展策略,而影音平台業者在做決策時,也可將關鍵因素考量進去,以提高消費者使用平台的意願。


Because of innovation of internet technology and the improvement of network video service the number of video website is increasing and the function of website is becoming more powerful. When consumers watch movies and TV programs, they are not limited by TV or cable TV. Consumers have changed their watching TV habits. This situation caues a serious impact on cable TV companies and channel companies. Therefore this study wants to find out the key factors affecting consumer's selection of OTT servers. First, through the literature review, we established an AHP framework of five dimensions and 20 factors. Then, we designed questionnaire and distributed questionnaire to consumers to fill. After collecting questionaire from consumers, we ealculate the importante weights for dimensions and factors. The study find that the most important dimension is "product", and the top four factors are "price", "promotion", "web sites security", and "skip advertising". Finally, we make suggestions based on the results of this study and hope these suggestions could help goverments to make appropriate policies and OTT industry to attract more customers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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