


Research of Aging Employee's Motivation to Continue Working- The Moderated Mediation Effects of Perceiving Aging-Related HR Practices




未來時間觀 ; 認知職涯未來機會 ; 知覺中高齡人力資源措施 ; 持續工作動機 ; Future time perspective ; Perception of future career opportunities ; Perceiving aging HR practices ; Motivation to continue working




28卷3期(2021 / 09 / 01)


1 - 36






There has been little research in Taiwan on the issue of future labor shortages that companies may encounter when their current employees retire. This research aims to investigate how to encourage aging employees to continue to work. Based on the socioemotional selectivity theory, this research examines the moderated mediation effect of perceived HRM practices on the indirect effect of future time perspective on motivation to continue working of aging employees, through the mediation of perception of future career opportunities. Survey data were collected from a sample of 208 aging employees who are at their age of 45 or above. Results show that perception of future career opportunities fully mediated the positive relationship between future time perspective and motivation to continue working. Furthermore, accommodative HRM practices such as reducing work demands and providing resources outside of work would weaken the positive relationship between perception of future career opportunities and motivation to continue working, thus undermine the positive indirect relationship between future time perspective and motivation to continue working.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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