
參與行動遊戲「虛擬抽獎」之消費意向研究-以「Fate/Grand Order」為例


The Consumer Participation Intention of "Loot Box" Applied in Mobile Games-Taking "Fate/Grand Order"




虛擬抽獎 ; 遊戲內購 ; 整合性科技接受模型 ; 結構方程模型 ; Loot Box ; Buy-in-Game ; Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology ; Structural Equation Modelling




29卷2期(2022 / 05 / 01)


1 - 42




行動遊戲營運模式,多轉變為引入微交易的免費遊戲。其中,最具爭議的微交易為商品的獲得具隨機性、付出與收穫不對等的虛擬抽獎,鑒於過去研究較少探討此種微交易。因此,本研究以行動遊戲「Fate/Grand Order」為研究標的,探討消費參與虛擬抽獎之影響因素。本研究蒐集了7,808份遊戲玩家,經分析驗證發現消費參與虛擬抽獎之意向,可以整合性科技接受模型加以解釋。玩家認為「Fate/Grand Order」這款遊戲有優秀的故事性,參與虛擬抽獎所能獲得的商品有較高的符號價值。對遊戲涉入程度較高、認為遊戲商品有較高價值者,在促銷活動期間有較高的意願消費參與虛擬抽獎,但對遊戲性滿意者,較不願消費參與虛擬抽獎。此外,在玩「Fate/Grand Order」這款遊戲前,有無接觸遊戲相關的故事性商品,對消費意向影響不大,即不必詳盡了解遊戲故事,也能享受遊戲,並消費參與虛擬抽獎。或更正確的說,玩家不以整體遊戲為消費目的,而是對遊戲要素進行「資料庫消費」。


The business models of mobile games suppliers have been transformed to offering free games with built-in microtransaction systems. The most controversial micro-transaction is a virtual lottery named 'Loot Boxes' in which the acquisition of goods is random, and the pay and harvest are not equal. Since past research has rarely discussed such micro-transact ions, hence, this research explores the influenced factors of gamers' consumption and participation in 'loot boxes' of the 'Fate/Grand Order' by 7,808 game players with Structural Equation Modelling. The analysis results show that the intention of gamers' consumption in the in-game 'Loot Box' can be explained by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The Fate/Grand Order is a game with a good story. Gamers typically believed that participating in Loot Boxes would possibly obtain merchandises that offered a higher sign-value. Gamers those who have a higher degree of involvement or who believe that game merchandises are valuable, have higher response for the promotion activities and are more willing to spend money on Loot Boxes. However, those who are satisfied in the game are less willing to spend money on Loot Boxes. Furthermore, prior exposure to relevant information about Fate/Grand Order did not significantly influence the intent ion of gamers. Gamers did not need to understand the story in detail to enjoy this game or participate in Loot Boxes. Gamers consumed not for the whole game, but rather for the game elements . That is, 'Database Consumption' which is the main consumption pat tern that players participation and consumption in the game.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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