


A Double Diamond Model For Experience Activity On Regional Revitalization: A Case Of Dream Works Of The Plum




雙鑽石模型 ; 地方創生 ; 農業體驗 ; 服務設計 ; 體驗活動設計 ; Double Diamond Model ; Regional Revitalization ; Agricultural Tourism ; Service Design ; Experience Activity Design




30卷1期(2023 / 01 / 01)


19 - 48




位於南投縣的信義鄉農會梅子夢工廠,利用地方創生概念並結合在地梅子產業,成功轉型為當地代表性的觀光休閒農業。根據文獻指出,科技導入是地方創生必須精進的核心內容,也在農鄉體驗成為趨勢,故本研究鎖定梅子夢工廠的Q梅手作體驗,進行案例分析,並利用科技導入及其他配套措施解決痛點,結果以供未來地方創生推動農業體驗之實際運用。本研究利用雙鑽石模型貫穿研究流程,研究目的為分析Q梅手作體驗現況,並提出痛點解決方案,故本研究使用參與觀察法深入體驗場域,記錄顧客行為與反應,導出服務藍圖與顧客旅程地圖,解析體驗流程並找出甜蜜點及痛點,最後透過焦點團體法提出配套措施。本研究分析出八項痛點:1.缺乏明確階段性產出與目標;2.無法立即獲得問題的回應;3.必須配合全體步調製作;4.徒手殺青造成疼痛;5.沒有筆可以填寫姓名於貼紙上;6.返家任務教學,吸收程度低;7.忘記體驗日期,推算製作時間有難度;8.解說看板不夠清楚。本研究提出如下解決方案:1.教育機器人帶領各組顧客製作,播放數位教學內容,並建立重播機制;2.將視覺化步驟圖置入返家教學及Google Drive;3.殺青步驟準備手套;4.包裝步驟準備油性筆;5.貼紙新增日期欄位,以上方案將作為後續研究發展基礎。


Located in Sinyi township, Nantou county, Dream Works of the Plum utilizes the concept of regional revitalization and combines with the local plum industry, successfully converting itself into a distinguished agricultural tourism in local area. According to the literature, the introduction of technology is the core content that must be applied for regional revitalization, and it has also become a trend in agricultural experience activity. Consequently, this study conducted case analysis on the chewy plum handmade experience activity held by the Dream Works of the Plum, then used technology and other solutions to solve the pain points. The research results could be as reference for other cases promoting regional revitalization by holding experience activity. This study applied the Double Diamond Model throughout the whole research process. The research purpose is to analyze the current chewy plum handmade experience. As a result, this study recorded the behaviors and reactions of the customers via Participant Observation method during field experimentation first, then derived the Service Blueprint and Customer Journey Maps to analyze the experience process and find the sweet spot and pain spot, and finally proposed complementary measures through Focus Group technique. The eight pain spots are as follows: 1. The experience activity was lack of clear outputs and goals at every phase; 2. Customers couldn't get immediate response to questions; 3. Customers needed to follow the overall pace; 4. Some customers felt pain when conducting enzyme inactivation unarmed; 5. There was no pen for customers to fill out their name on sticker; 6. Customers didn't absorb well while home -made tasks; 7. It was hard to arrange time to conduct home-made tasks when customers forgot experience date; 8. The instruction board for home -made tasks wasn't detailed enough. This study proposes the solutions are as follows: 1. Utilize education robots to lead each group of customers to produce by displaying digital teaching content, and establish a repeating mechanism additionally; 2. Put the visualized flowchart into the content of home -made tasks learning and Google Drive; 3. Prepare gloves for enzyme inactivation step; 4. Prepare permanent marker for packaging step; 5. Add a date field on sticker. The above solutions will be the fundamental development for the follow -up study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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