


The Decision on Recreational Carrying Capacity-An Application of Fuzzy Multiobjective Programming




曹勝雄(Sheng-Hshiung Tsaur);羅志成(Chih-Cheng Lo)


遊憩承載量 ; 模糊多目標規劃 ; recreational carrying capacity ; Fuzzy Multiobjective Programming




8卷1期(2002 / 07 / 01)


85 - 108




本研究基於遊憩承載量之決定需同時考量遊憩利用、遊憩設施服務水準、遊客擁擠與實質生態承載量四個目標,而其間存有權衡替代(trade-off)關係。而模糊多目標規劃是一種在瞭解於多個目標之下其間之權衡(trade-off)的方法,藉由引入模糊目標(fuzzy goal)的觀念,以模糊集合(fuzzy set)理論來處理多目標規劃問題。本研究選定位於陽明山國家公園小油坑遊憩區為實證研究對象,利用問卷調查方式取得需要資料,以所建構之模糊多目標規劃模式決定最適遊憩承載量。結果為在同時考慮四個目標下,遊憩利用人數為555人/日,而此時之遊憩設施服務水準為4.23(1表非常不滿意,5表非常滿意),遊客擁擠程度為4.24(l表非常擁擠,5表非常不擁擠),實質生態承載量為0.7311人/日•平方公尺。之復經由政策敏感度分析,結果顯示當停車空間、影片解說場次及座位數增加的情況下,則有助於遊憩區遊憩承載量的增加。而當大眾運輸工具服務班次增加時,可發現遊憩承載量大幅提升,此乃因大眾運輸班次因應遊客需求之緣故。研究結果建議陽明山國家公園應採行適當之遊客管制措施以減輕遊憩壓力問題,且園方若要增加遊憩承載量應考慮改善方案對於整體遊憩資源之影響。


The purpose of this study is to determine the recreational carrying capacity based on the trade-off relationship among the objectives of recreation utility, service level of facilities, visitors crowdedness and ecological environment. Fuzzy multi-objective programming is one of the methods to understand the trade-off among multiple objectives. Through using the concept of the fuzzy goal, it deals with questions of the multi-objective programming by the theory of fuzzy set. After choosing the Xiao-You-Keng recreation area in Young-Ming Mountain National Park as our study object, we use the questionnaires to collect the data we need. By using fuzzy multi-objective programming to establish the mathematical model then to decided the optimal recreational carrying capacity. Results indicate with objectives like the recreational using rate, facilities carrying capacity, social carrying capacity and ecological carrying capacity, the appropriate using rate is 555 persons per day, the facilities' using level is 4.23(1-5 represent bad satisfaction to good satisfaction), the crowding level is 4.24(1-5 represent crowded to not crowded), and the ecological carrying capacity is every m^2 0.7311 people per day. After the policy sensitivity analysis by changing different facilities, results indicate it will be helped to increasing recreational carrying capacity when increasing the spaces of car parking, the timesand spaces of video demonstration; but when increasing the public transit rate, the recreational carrying capacity will be decreased. This is because the public transit schedule is fixed. We though it will be helpful for the Young-Ming Mountain National Park to adopt measures of the tourists controlled to solve the problem of recreational pressure, and it should be consider the influence of the whole recreation resource by programs of increasing the recreational carrying capacity.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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