


Study of Career Commitment intention for International Tourist Hotels' Foodservice Employees in Taipei Area




周文賢(Wayne S. Chow);牛涵錚(Han-Jen Niu)


生涯承諾 ; 自我效能 ; 工作投入 ; 餐飲服務業 ; 一般性模式 ; career commitment ; self-efficacy ; job involvement ; foodservice ; LISREL




8卷2期(2002 / 12 / 01)


53 - 70




餐飲服務業的流動率居高不下,一直是該產業中令人頭痛的問題。然而從過去的文獻之中,可得知生涯承諾的高低是離職率的指標,本研究即針對影響生涯承諾之因素做一探討。目的在於瞭解自我效能、工作投入與生涯承諾間之關係,以及受到員工職位等級影響之干擾效果。在實證方面,以國際觀光旅館餐飲服務之從業人員為研究對象,回收之有效樣本數為1025份,並分析各變項間之關係,以提供業者擬定人力資源管理策略之參考。 研究發現如下:(l)餐飲服務之從業人員的自我效能與生涯承諾有顯著差異,(2)而工作投入是會影響餐飲服務從業人員之生涯承諾,(3)餐飲服務從業人員的自我效能與工作投入間之交互作用達顯著水準。因此,餐飲業者應創造環境讓員工更有自信,而具有自信的員工會投入更多的心力在餐飲服務之工作上,如此會對自己的人生更有目標、亦會對於職業生涯經營更用心,進而能達到降低離職的比率。


Turnover is a big problem in the foodservice industry. We found that career commitment is an important factor to predicting turnover rate from literature review. The main purpose of this study is to uncover the relationships between self-efficacy, job-involvement and career commitment. The foodservice industry is a big industry and encompasses vastly different companies and managerial structures. Based on a total of 1025 responded questionnaires, we can conclude the following. (1) There is a statistically significant relationship between self-efficacy and career commitment of foodservice employees. (2) A foodservice employee's job involvement can affect his or her career commitment. (3) There is a statistically significant relationship between job involvement and self-efficacy of foodservice employees. Therefore a foodservice manager must provide a good environment to develop employees' self-efficacy. Employees with higher self-efficacy will be more involved in their job and are more likely to have career goals, leading to a lower turnover rate.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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