The attributes of airport restaurants are different from those operated in the urban area, so are the demographics of their customers. Therefore, it is assumed that the purchase situations of the airport customers are unique to the restaurant operators. This study was to determine the impact of purchase situations on customer preferences toward the restaurant types in the CKS international airport. Convenient sampling method was employed to collect data from 391 customers in the airport restaurants, and the usable questionnaires were 389 (99%). Among the restaurant types currently operated in the airport, café was mostly preferred, followed by theme restaurant, Japanese-style restaurant, and pizza stand which were the types not been seen yet. The four situational factors addressed in this study-price, dining context, time, and social surroundings, were found having significant influences on the customer's preference of restaurant choice. Last of all, conclusions and implications for the airport management, restaurant operators, and further research were presented according to the literature and the contemporary marketing thought.
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