


Residents' Perception and Attitude toward Tourism Redevelopment in Peitou




江香樺(Hsiang-Hua Chiang);顏家芝(Jia-Jy Yen)


觀光再發展 ; 觀光衝擊 ; 居民認知 ; Redevelopment ; Tourism Impact ; Residents' Perception




10卷1期(2004 / 03 / 01)


39 - 61






The objectives of this research were to understand the perception and attitudes of local residents towards the impact of tourism redevelopment and explored the relationship between local residents' perception and attitude in tourism redevelopment. Based on the factors influencing reactions towards tourism in the literature, the research mainly investigated from three aspects: ”attitude towards the impact of tourism redevelopment,” ”perception towards the impact of tourism redevelopment,” and ”participation attitude and experience of residential environment”. The results found: Firstly, the environment impact was the most profoundly factor than the economy and social cultural impacts in the perception towards the impacts of tourism redevelopment. Secondly, in the attitude towards the impact of tourism redevelopment, residents were more affect to the positive than the negative attitudes. Thirdly, the perception of tourism redevelopment was impacted by past experience; and finally, the perception of tourism redevelopment were impacted by respondents' characteristics and experience of residential environment of local residents.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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