


The Relation between Practical Training Values and Job Involvement: A Study of College Students Majoring in Tourism, Leisure, Recreation, and Hospitality




黃英忠(Ing-Chung Huang);黃培文(Pei-Wen Huang)


實習生 ; 工作價值觀 ; 實習工作價值觀 ; 工作投入 ; intern ; work values ; practical training values ; job involvement




10卷1期(2004 / 03 / 01)


63 - 78




實習生是觀光餐旅業界重要的人力資源,也是未來的產業的中堅份子。實習生參與勞動市場的意願、對實習工作的看法與價值觀,不但會影響其實習工作的意願與投入度,也左右個人未來的職業抉擇與生涯發展,同時對企業人力運用成效與人力政策的擬定也有深遠的影響。 本研究以大專院校觀光、休閒、餐旅相關科系的實習生為研究對象,探討其實習工作價值觀及工作投入的關係,共發出500份問卷,回收有效問卷290份。研究結果發現,大專生實習工作的成就價值、專業價值、學分價值、經濟價值、人際價值等因素對工作投入皆有顯著的預測力,而其中以成就價值最具有預測力。


Interns are important human resources for the hospitality industry. The interns' intent to participate in the labor market, and their attitudes and values toward Practical Training, not only affect interns' job involvement, but also impact their vocational selection and career development. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of human resource management and the policy of industries would be deeply influenced. This study discusses the relation between practical training values and job involvement. The participants of this study are derived from the college students majoring in Tourism, Leisure, Recreation, and Hospitality. Five hundred questionnaires were sent out, and 290 samples were returned. The results indicate that the practical training values are significantly related to job involvement. The factors of achievement value, professional value, credit value, economic value, and human relation value all can predict the job involvement. Furthermore, the achievement value is the most prominent factor in predicting job involvement.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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