


A Study of Service Quality on Package Tours in Penghu Islands




張淑青(Su-Ching Chang)


服務品質 ; 顧客滿意 ; 行為意圖 ; service quality ; customer satisfaction ; behavioral intention




10卷2期(2004 / 05 / 01)


111 - 125




觀光產業為澎湖經濟發展之主要產業之一,澎湖觀光發展歷史雖長遠,但並未對地方經濟貢獻發揮最大效益,實有必要探討澎湖觀光旅遊服務品質,作為澎湖發展觀光的參考依據。本研究目的在於引據服務品質模式(PZB Model)的理論內涵,發展澎湖觀光旅遊服務評估構面及衡量題項,建構觀光旅遊服務品質量表,針對參加澎湖套裝團體旅遊的遊客為研究樣本進行實證調查,經由差距分析找出遊客對服務期望與服務績效差異所在,作為改善觀光旅遊服務品質之依據,並探討澎湖觀光旅遊服務績效與顧客滿意間及顧客滿意與行為意圖間之因果影響關係,研究結果提供澎湖觀光相關產業在管理上之參考與建議。


Tourism industry is one of the major industries for economics development in Penghu Islands. Although the tourism development in Penghu Islands has been a long history, but it didn't bring the most benefits for regional economics, therefore, it is necessary to discuss about the tourism service quality for tourism development in Penghu Islands. The purpose of this study is to introduce the theory of service quality Model (PZB Model), and develop the factors and items of the tourism service quality measurement scales. The visitors who took package tours were selected as study samples and tested the constructed model, and the gap analysis was used to find out the differences between service expectations and service performance for upgrading tourism service quality. The relationships between service performance and customer satisfaction; and the relationships between customer satisfaction and behavioral intention are discussed as well. On the basis of the research results, ample and concrete managerial suggestions and references are offered for related tourism industries in Penghu Islands.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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