


An Empirical Research of Kinmen Tourists' Behavioral Tendencies Model-A Case of Cross-Validation in Causal Modeling




余泰魁(Tai-Kuei Yu);李能慧(Neng-Huei Lee);吳桂森(Guey-Sen Wu)


計劃行為理論 ; 線性結構模式 ; 交叉效度 ; 金門觀光 ; theory of planned behavior ; structural equation model ; cross-validity ; Kinmen tourism




11卷4期(2005 / 12 / 01)


355 - 384




觀光産業是世界各國普遍重視的無煙囪工業,與科技産業共同被視爲是21世紀的明星産業,在創造就業機會及賺取外匯的功能上具有明顯效益。一般而言,觀光客會依自己心理状態與旅遊知覺,来決定是否會從事或避免某項旅遊行為,本研究以意向觀點修正Ajzen (1985)的計劃行為理論,建構觀光客從事金門旅遊行為意向,以不同年度(2001年與2002年)所調查的觀光客樣本資料做交叉效度檢定,驗證這兩群樣本的研究模式的外部效度,並深入探討不同年度觀光客行為意向模式的差異。最後,本研究針對後績研究及實務界提出若干建議。


Tourism is an important industry in most countries, and is a star industry in the twenty-first century. Tourism can create many jobs and earn much foreign exchange. Tourists generally decide to tour depending on their psychology and self-perception. This research modifies Ajzen's theory of planned behavior and constructs a model of Kinmen tourists' behavioral tendencies. The data to test the cross-validity of the Kinmen tourists' behavioral tendencies model by structural equation modeling is investigated for the years 2001 and 2002. To test cross-validity by SEM for these two group samples, this research provides insight into these differences and implications for tourism management.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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