


The Relationships of Work-leisure Conflict, Social Support and Well-being




翁振益(Jehn-Yih Wong);林若慧(Jo-Hui Lin)


工作-休閒衝突 ; 幸福感 ; 社會支持 ; work-leisure conflict ; well-being ; social support




12卷3期(2006 / 09 / 01)


183 - 205






Because of the anti-social work hours, tourism employees experience apparent conflict of work interference with leisure (WLC). The study explores the relationships between WLC, social support (i.e., supervisor, coworker, and family support) and employees' well-being (i.e., job, family, and leisure satisfactions), and examines the moderating effects of social support. This research was in accorded with literature and proposed research hypotheses. A total of 394 tourism employees completed a questionnaire. Hierarchical regression analysis was employed to investigate the relationships among WLC, well-being and social support. The study found that the more WLC employees perceived, the lower their job and leisure satisfaction would be. Three types of social support are positive related to well-being, and they also moderate the negative relations of WLC on well-being. The study found the spillover effect of WLC on employees’ well-being and moderating effect of social support. Finally, the results propose a mechanism of stress copying for tourism employees and provide some suggestions about job re-design for tourism sections.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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