


A Study of Developing Rural Tourism as a Strategy for Local Revitalization




郭瑞坤(Jui-Kun Kuo);郭彰仁(Chang-Jen Kuo);鄭心儀(Hsin-Yi Cheng)


地域活化 ; 策略規劃 ; 鄉村旅遊 ; 鄉村性 ; local revitalization ; strategic planning ; rural tourism ; rurality




13卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


23 - 45






The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent of rural tourism development in Taiwan and to propose feasible strategies for its future. Through two rounds of Delphi method surveys, data is collected from the experts chosen from the business, officials, and the academic. Two issues are formed and converged. They are the influences of rural tourism on vitalization of local development and strategies of vitalizing local development. With respect to the influences of rural tourism on vitalization of local development, the results indicated they were categorized as economic, social, and environmental dimensions. The economic dimension included the vitalization of local economy, the increases of job opportunity and the local income, the increases of government tax revenue, and the promotion to the local products. The social dimension consisted of encouraging the young people going back hometown, protecting the rural tradition, increasing the interaction with others, preserving the local culture, and increasing the competitiveness of the tourism industry in Taiwan. Finally, improving the rural landscape and environmental quality were suggested in environmental dimension. Regarding the strategies of vitalizing local development through rural tourism, short-term and long-term strategies were proposed. For short-term strategies, to the government, including establishing the legislative laws and policies, improving infrastructure adequately, helping local business and community construction, providing in-job training, and encouraging the youth going back hometown. There were three recommendations for rural tourism industry. There were promoting the uniqueness of rural resources, participating in community development, and upgrading the qualities of the service. For long-term strategies, to the government. There were providing multi-faced supports, promoting of rural tourism, to both domestic and international tourism markets. Besides, there were some suggestions for rural tourism industry. There were conducting alliance strategies, creating the local brand products, segmenting the markets, and using the resources sustainably. Following these strategies, the attractions of rural tourism could be enhanced and local development would be promising.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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