


The Effect of Employees Social Network on Group Effectiveness-A Case Study




卓秀足(Hsiu-Tsu Cho);陳沁怡(Chin-Yi Chen);楊仁壽(Jen-Shou Yang)


社會網絡 ; 集體自效 ; 團體凝聚力 ; 團體績效 ; social network ; collective efficacy ; group cohesiveness ; group performance




13卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


47 - 72






From the perspective of social network theory, this article explores the relationship between social relations and group effectiveness. The purpose of this article is to illuminate the causal chain of group effectiveness (collective efficacy, group cohesion and group performance) through network density and group centrality of social network. This article is a case study of a leisure and food chain-restaurant in Taiwan, which has 4 branches. Data were collected from questionnaire survey, interview and secondary sources. This study consisted of 79 employees from 4 branches. The data analyses revealed that: (1) the higher social network density of the employees is; the more intense group cohesion is. (2) The U-type relationship exists between group centrality of social network and subjective group performance, especially in work advice network and information network. (3)The types of network relations moderate the relationship between social network and group effectiveness.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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