


The Relationships among Service Guarantee, Corporate Image and Post-Recovery Satisfaction after Service Failure-Cases of the Hospitality Industry




鄭紹成(Shao-Cheng Cheng);王雪瀞(Hsueh-Ching Wang);黃琪雯(Chi-Wen Huang)


服務保證 ; 服務失誤 ; 服務補救 ; 補救後滿意度 ; 企業形象 ; service guarantee ; service failure ; service recovery ; post-recovery satisfaction ; corporate image




13卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


73 - 100




過往研究雖有探討有關企業提出服務保證對服務補救影響方面之議題,但對於消費者補救後態度與行為則鮮少提及之,而由於企業本身形象之優劣亦會影響保證提出之效用,故本研究將結合服務保證、企業形象與消費者補救滿意度一併探討,以進一步了解服務保證履行與企業形象之影響效果。本研究乃採行實驗法,以餐飲與飯店業為研究背景,進行在不同服務保證類型下,以企業形象為干擾變數之研究設計。本研究結果發現:1. 提出保證之企業,其補救滿意度、口碑推薦意願和再購意願均略大於無保證之企業,但其間差異卻為不顯著。2. 企業形象類型不同對補救滿意度產生顯著之影響,且僅餐飲業其企業形象佳之企業的補救滿意度明顯高於形象普通之企業。3. 企業形象類型之不同,對於服務保證與補救滿意度、口碑與再購意願間之干擾效果為不顯著。


Most pervious researches focused on the relationships between service guarantee and service recovery, but only a few researches explored the consumers' attitude and behavior after the service recovery. In addition, previous researches also indicated that service guarantee is influenced by corporate image. Therefore, corporate image was taken as a moderate variable to explore the relationship between the provision of service guarantee and customers' post-recovery satisfaction. Our findings suggests that (1) the difference of post-recovery satisfaction was insignificant disregard the service guarantee was provided or not; (2) the firm with good corporate image gains higher post-recovery satisfaction than the firm with normal corporate image; (3) the moderating effect of corporate image on the relationship between service guarantee and post-recovery satisfaction is not remarkable.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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