


Gendered Sport and Recreational Spaces in the Eyes of Adolescent Girls




許義忠(Yi-Chung Hsu)


青少女 ; 性別化 ; 休閒 ; 體適能 ; 空間 ; adolescents ; gendered ; leisure ; physical fitness ; space




13卷3期(2007 / 09 / 01)


193 - 211






Research reveal that girls do not favor sports and not as fit as boys. One of the reasons may relate closely to sport and recreation spaces. The study explores adolescent girls' perceptions on sport and recreational spaces, including 20 school, community, and home spaces. The population is two Hualien senior high school girls. Data collection was completed in January 2004, obtaining 437 questionnaires. The results indicated that girls preferred inactive public spaces such as shopping centers, tea houses, and fast food restaurants. The space girls like most was their bedrooms. They perceived that boys occupied all sporting spaces as well as Internet cafés and game arcades. Most girls didnt like sex-segregation policy for school sporting spaces. Lastly girls provided four reasons explaining why boys' physical fitness levels were better than girls. Reasons included boys' greater interest in sport; societal expectations about appearance; girls' myth about their inappropriateness in sport genetically; girls' preference for passive alternatives. Two conclusions were drawn. First, the school and community sport and recreational spaces are gendered. Second, girls' sport constraint is mainly structural or ideological. Implications and suggestions are made for practice and future research.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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