


The Implications of Travel Blogs for Destination Marketing: An Example of Tanshui




陳貞吟(Chen-Yin Chen);盧庭韻(Ting-Yun Lu)


電子口碑 ; 部落格 ; 網路民族誌 ; 語義網絡分析 ; 內容分析 ; electronic word-of-mouth ; blog ; netnography ; semantic network analysis ; content analysis




14卷2期(2008 / 08 / 01)


135 - 159






Travel blogs can reveal individual travel experiences, and interpret one's inner feelings about a destination. One can then analyze the strengths and weaknesses of this destination. In this study, 98 travel blogs on Tanshui were analyzed by semantic network analysis and content analysis. The result revealed that travel blogs can reflect a rich and authentic individual travel experience. It also pointed out deep impressions of things related to Tanshui, both positive and negative. The travel blog is a cost-effective method for destination marketers who may assess their service quality and will help to improve a traveler's overall experience. Finally, the result of this study serves as a useful guideline for government and the tourism industry.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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