


Specialty Souvenirs or Traveller's Trinkets? An Analysis and Investigation of Souvenir Purchasing Behaviors




吳宗瓊(Tsung-Chiung Wu);劉瓊如(Chyong-Ru Lin)


購買動機 ; 紀念品 ; 購買意願 ; purchase motivations ; souvenirs ; purchase intention




14卷2期(2008 / 08 / 01)


189 - 212




Clawson以及Knetsch (1966)在遊憩體驗階段理論中將「回憶」視為是旅遊整體體驗中重要的一環。而旅遊紀念品的購買不單只是對觀光產業有重要的經濟意含,也是現地旅遊體驗與旅遊回憶重要的串聯。本研究透過遊客紀念品購買型態的差異(「記憶在地特色」或是「旅遊伴手禮」)進一步解析旅遊紀念品的購買行為模式。本研究選擇在阿里山國家風景區最重要的旅遊景點「阿里山森林遊樂區」以及「奮起湖」進行遊客問卷調查,共獲得333份有效問卷。本研究結果指出「收集一般紀念品型」遊客較「收集當地特色紀念品型」遊客對紀念品之購買意願較為強烈。就「收集一般紀念品型」遊客其購買紀念品動機主要是重視追求流行訊息,偏愛商品的設計感和方便清理的功能,重視商品陳列整齊、商品種類多樣和有質感;而「收集當地特色紀念品型」遊客其購買紀念品動機偏重便利購物,對美學設計特性商品和方便清理較為喜愛,對商店銷售人員服務品質較為重視;紀念品業者可依不同類型遊客之購買動機研擬具有魅力的紀念品、商品及賣店環境,營造愉悅和有利的銷售環境,讓觀光客及旅遊目的地的經濟都能受惠。


The ”recollection” phase suggested in Clawson and Knetsch's (1966) multi-phase model of recreational experience is regarded as a significant element of any such experience. The purchasing of souvenirs by travelers has not only important economic significance, but also a strong and important connection to the travelers' own experiences and how they will recall them. This paper seeks to offer a more in-depth analysis of souvenir purchasing behavior models-particularly the two main approaches to souvenir purchasing: seeking out unique local products or purchasing more common forms of souvenir. For this paper, surveys were carried out at two of the main tourist destinations in the Alishan National Scenic Area-Alishan Forest Recreation Area and Fenqihu-resulting in a total of 333 valid responses. The results of the analysis show that collecting more common types of souvenir are more strongly driven to purchase souvenirs than collecting unique local souvenirs types. Purchasers of the former kind are more driven to purchase popular items, with more emphasis on the uniqueness of the design, convenience of display and organization, variety, and the quality of the product. Purchasers of the latter kind, however, are more focused on ease of purchasing, with a preference for more unique aesthetics and better quality of customer service in the stores. Through working on souvenirs, products, and retail venues that are more tailored to specific models of and motivations for purchasing, those in the souvenir industry will be able to create a more enjoyable, more profitable environment while also benefiting travelers and the economies of tourist destinations.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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