


A Preliminary Study on the Safety Management System for Festival Activities




陳建和(Chien-Ho Chen);劉雅文(Ya-Wen Liu)


節慶活動 ; 安全 ; 安全管理 ; festival activities ; safety ; safety management




14卷3期(2008 / 12 / 01)


251 - 275






The aim of this research is to construct a protocol of safety management system to festival activities. We use purposive sampling to choose eight experienced managers in festival activity execution. The data was collected through face-to-face and semi-structured interview. The proposed structure of the safety management system to festival activities have five subsystems, including safety objectives, planning, organization, operation and implementation, and auditing and reviewing. The research utilizes transcript re-confirmed and triangulation to ensure that the reliability and validity of the analysis and to sum up the aspects within the five subsystems through content analysis. The results revealed that the safety management system to festival activities is a series of assessment, planning and implementation, which combine the operations and procedures in festival activities. Furthermore, the contents of these five subsystems include all safety considerations and treatments to festival activities. Through the systematic operation, the safety performance can be improved. In the end, a case study was applied to analyze the completeness of the structure of this system. The findings could provide suggestion to festival activities managers on safety management planning.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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