


Tipping System Differentiation and Tour Price Competition




鄧瑞兆(Ruey-Jaw Teng);孔秀琴(Sheu-Chin Kung);李堯賢(Yao-Hsien Lee)


小費給予制度 ; 小費全包制 ; 旅遊團費 ; 領隊服務 ; 網路效果 ; tipping system ; tip-included system ; tour price ; tour leader service ; network effect




15卷2期(2009 / 08 / 01)


163 - 186






Strategically adopted the tipping system created by tourist firms can be the profitable differentiated service strategy. This paper setups a tourism economics model to analyze how the differentiated tipping systems performed by the firms have the effects on firms' profits, tourists' consumer surplus, and social welfare. The results in the study indicate that (1) the firm strategically uses the differentiated tipping system which is different from its rival, that is, all-included tour price, not only can increase its profit, but also increase its rival's profit. (2) the firm exerting the tip-included system is not necessarily leading the tourists to pay higher total tour price. Strategically using differentiated tipping system and jointly with the tour leader's service to establish the differentiated service strategy that is the firm's competitive edge. (3) the firm exerts the differentiated tipping system can increase the tourist's consumer surplus and also increase social welfare. In addition, the tourists' life-style attributes influencing the firm's tour price and profit are also discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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