


When Leisure Collides with Paid Work and Domestic Labor: Gender Differences in Leisure Experiences




唐先梅(Shain-May Tang)


休閒 ; 工作 ; 家務 ; 兩性 ; leisure ; paid work ; domestic labor/housework ; gender




16卷1期(2010 / 04 / 01)


1 - 18






The purpose of this study is to investigate the gender differences in leisure experiences, which also related to paid work and domestic labor. For the data collection, Ⅰ conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews, a method adopted from qualitative research interview. The sample selected in this study is limited to dual-earner couples living in Taipei city. The findings of this study show three conclusions. First, leisure is a developing process, but men and women have difference experiences. Second, leisure is an outcome of the negotiation between domestic labor and paid work. However, the effects of domestic labor and paid work on leisure are different between genders. Finally, men seem to regard housework as a kind of leisure; while women regard housework as a part of their work. Few things we need to concern deeply are: when researchers focus on women's struggling and fighting to get the right of leisure, the sacrifice of free time refers to women’s love to their families need to be reminded. The Taoism emphasized concordant and seamless concepts may give a better explanation to understand the relations among work, family, and leisure.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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