


Gender and Age Variations on Demand of Services and Facilities for Wellness Hotels among Older Adults




何景華(Ching-Hua Ho)


銀髮族 ; 安康旅遊 ; 服務 ; 設備 ; 住宿需求 ; older adults ; wellness tourism ; services ; facilities ; demands of accommodation




16卷3期(2010 / 12 / 01)


189 - 210






This paper examines how gender and age are related to demand for various wellness hotel services and facilities. In total, 1,103 older adults who had travel and accommodation experiences were involved in this survey study. The sample consisted of people aged 50 and older. 55% (n=610) of participants were females, and 45% (n=493) were males. The sample was divided into four groups: ”young-older females” aged 50-64, ”young-older males” aged 50-64, ”old-older females” aged 65 and older, and ”old-older males” aged 65 and older. The exploratory factor analysis was used to divide a list of wellness hotel services into three factors: Leisure and Wellness Programs, Personalized Care and Medical Services, and Comfort and Relax Environment. Similarly, factor analysis helped to divide a list of wellness hotel facilities into four factors: Friendly Restroom, Enlarged Signs and Designs, Lighting and Safety Facilities, and Safety Alarm Systems. The ANOVA analyses were further carried out to test the relationships of gender and age to the three factors assessing demands of wellness services as well as the four factors assessing demands of wellness facilities. Significant results were found for all of the three services factors and the four facilities factors. In conclusion, women were more likely than men to consider wellness services and facilities important regardless of ”young-older adults” or ”old-older adults.” The results of the study may have implications for the leisure and tourism industry in targeting ”maturing markets.”

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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