


Are You Convinced by the Blog?-Evidence from the Effect to Consumers' Purchase Intention by the Tour Leaders' Blogs




王國欽(Kuo-Ching Wang);陳瑞倫(Ruey-Luen Chen);詹悉珍(Hsi-Chen Chan);林士雅(Shih-Ya Lin)


部落格 ; 滿意度 ; 購買意願 ; 領隊代言效果 ; 團體套裝旅遊 ; blog ; satisfaction ; purchase intention ; tour leader endorser ; group package tour




16卷3期(2010 / 12 / 01)


235 - 261






As the World Wide Web becomes so wide spread in our daily life, personal blog turns out to be an important source for consumers to gather traveling information. Following the trend, travel agencies build blogs on their websites as marketing tools and expect that tour leaders can promote group package tours on line through their professional endorser images and interactions with group members or potential customers. However, the previous studies never selected tour group members as samples. Therefore, the present study, the first one which selected tour group members who had interaction with tour leader blogs as samples, investigated the characters of tour leader blogs whether they would significantly influence customers' satisfaction and purchase intention or not. This study also examined the moderating effect of the tour leader as endorser on the relationship between satisfaction and purchase intention. Ten tour leader blogs were selected, and each tour leader was requested to invite 50 blog users or tour group members as sampling. In total 349 questionnaires were collected. The results first showed that the characters of the tour leaders' travel blog significantly influenced on consumers' satisfaction and purchase intention respectively. Second, the users' satisfaction had effects on their purchase intention. Third, tour leader as endorser had no moderating effect on the relationship between users' satisfaction and consumers' purchase intention. All results of this study would not only complement the insufficient theory of blog but also provide some practical ideas to mangers of travel agencies on their marketing strategies and managing tour leaders' blogs.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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