


Evaluation of Visitors' Perceived Value and Tourism Benefits in Cultural Heritage: A Case of Dalongdong Baoan Temple




李俊鴻(Chun-Hung Lee);黃錦煌(Chin-Huang Huang)


知覺價值 ; 遊憩需求 ; 觀光效益 ; 文化資產 ; perceived value ; tourism demand ; tourism benefits ; cultural heritage




17卷3期(2011 / 12 / 01)


361 - 385




本研究以獲得聯合國教科文組織文化資產保存獎的大龍峒保安宮為對象,應用因素分析萃取出訪客對文化資產知覺價值的認知因素,並以集群分析劃分出不同知覺價值集群,再以On-Site Poisson觀光需求模型分析影響觀光需求之相關因素,並估算不同「知覺價值集群」訪客造訪保安宮所得到的觀光效益。研究結果發現:(1)訪客最重視的知覺價值因素為「心靈歸屬」;(2)對保安宮有較高「整體知覺價值」的訪客,參訪次數亦較高;(3)平均每位訪客造訪保安宮所得到的觀光效益介於11,547-13,417元/年;(4)「藝文情感型」之訪客前往保安宮所得到的觀光效益高於其他知覺價值集群。


This study attempted to segment cultural heritage using a cluster based on delineated perception of perceived value factors who came to the Dalongdong Baoan Temple in Taiwan. This study also using travel cost method to estimate the On-Site Poisson tourism demand function, and investigated the relationships between perceived value clusters and recreation demand. Finally, this study are measured the consumer surplus (CS) between perceived value clusters in the Dalongdong Baoan Temple. The empirical results of this study were threefold. First, the CS values between 11,547 to 13,417 for year of average visitor in Dalongdong Baoan Temple. Second, perceived value clusters has a significant differential in cultural tourism demands. Third, the CS values in ”literary arts and Emotion” clusters are higher than other perceived value clusters.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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