


Do You Blog Today?-Factors Influencing Use Intention on Travel Blog




陳宜棻(Yi-Fen Chen);李妙純(Miao-Chun Li)


旅遊部落格 ; 部落格獨特性 ; 部落格互動性 ; 部落格情感體驗 ; 部落格訊息來源可信度 ; travel blog ; blog distinctiveness ; blog feel experience ; blog interaction ; blog message source credibility




18卷1期(2012 / 04 / 01)


1 - 26






The concept of blog marketing was generated from the application of blogs. A large number of travel agents notice the powerful effects of blog communication in marketing. However, prior studies focus on user characteristics on travel blog. No studies specifically investigate influences of travel blog features such as blog identification and blog trust on blog use intention. Therefore, this study has attempted to investigate how travel blog use intention is influenced by blog distinctiveness, blog feel experience, blog interaction, and blog source credibility. Furthermore, blog identification and blog trust are moderators in this study. In this study, 423 participants completed the online questionnaire and usable surveys were returned. Results of this study provide some practical ideas to mangers of travel agencies on their marketing strategies and managing travel blogs.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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