In recent years, due to the enhancement of the concept of environmental protection, green hotels are increasingly valued. Thus, understanding customers' needs is the key to provide good services in green hotel operations. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to apply Kano two-way quality model to explore the quality element of green hotels. The result is expected to find out the tourists' identification with the hotels' quality beyond the one-dimensional model. On the other hand, this research refers to New Ecological Paradigm Scale to differentiate between tourists in different environmental attitude. The result of this research shows that the tourists' acceptance level to the green hotels is more than average, and the attitude of tourists between ages is apparently different. The analysis results of the quality element of green hotels also show that 2 items are classified as one-dimensional quality, 7 items are indifferent quality, 2 items are reverse quality, and 8 items are attractive quality. Besides, this research presents the suggestion with the execution order of the quality element, and applies quality improvement index to increase satisfaction and reduce dissatisfaction. For the purpose of execution and promotion, the 8 attractive quality items are included and sloganized: 2M (Manage- beautify the environment by nature plant, and move up the staffs' eco-awareness), 3R (Recycle, Reduction, Reuse-put the recycle bin in guestrooms, have the hotels' advertisement made by reprocessed paper, and offer the slippers which can reuse), and 3S (Save- operated facets in guestrooms automatically, low power light bulbs and feeding with rooms' card).
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