


Examining Relationships between Service Quality, Interaction Intensity and Loyalty in the Food and Beverage Industry: The Mediated Role of Relationship Quality




林谷合(Ku-Ho Lin);蕭櫓(Lu Hsiao);彭耀平(Yao-Ping Peng)


服務品質 ; 互動強度 ; 關係品質 ; 忠誠度 ; service quality ; interactive intensity ; relationship quality ; loyalty




18卷2期(2012 / 08 / 01)


135 - 161






This study is to test and verify the intermediary processing model of the relationship quality between catering service providers and customers by adopting the relationship marketing theory and the cognition-emotion-conation-action mode. This study divides the antecedents of the relationship quality into interaction intensity and service quality and discusses whether the aforementioned two variables have different degrees on the emotional measure facet in the relationship quality, because the emotional measure facet will further form the subsequent loyal attitude and behavior. This study issued altogether 400 questionnaires, after eliminating invalid questionnaires, there were 313 valid questionnaires. In this study, there used LISREL for confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model. The empirical results show: the service quality and strength of interaction for commitment don't have statistically significant and have positive influence on satisfaction and trust, which means satisfaction and trust is prerequisite for connecting antecedents and high-order emotional variables and solidify customer loyalty through commitment's formation. Finally, the results of this study show not only catering service provider with service charge for customer relationship's maintenance and establishment but also interrelationship between emotional variables. Furthermore, the result also proposes management implications and direction of future research.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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