


Cross-Cultural Comparison on Recreation Participation among Holo, Taroko and Amis Residents




許義忠(Yi-Chung Hsu);李幸芳(Hsing-Fang Li);莊麗君(Ophelia Lih-Jiun Chuang)


文化涵化 ; 設施使用 ; 多元族群 ; 種族 ; 使用形式 ; acculturation ; facility usage ; multi-ethnicity ; race ; use pattern




18卷3期(2012 / 12 / 01)


189 - 207




為提供台灣各種族或族群優質休閒遊憩機會及提高其生活品質,公部門遊憩規劃與管理單位應重視族群間與族群內遊憩參與及遊憩設施使用的需求與差異。本研究以花蓮縣鯉魚潭閩南、太魯閣與阿美族居民為研究對象,於2008年蒐集到245 份問卷,其中閩南人73份,太魯閣族人106份,阿美族人66份。結果顯示三個族群使用形式具有顯著差異;21項遊憩活動中,11項無顯著差異,但有10項有顯著差異;設施使用上皆無顯著差異。研究結論有二(1)不同族群居民確實存在不同遊憩偏好及遊憩參與模式;(2)遊憩參與行為與族群變項的關係是複雜的,因此邊緣與族群假說解釋族群遊憩參與之差異確實力有未逮。文末對公部門遊憩規劃與管理單位提出建言,並就未來研究提出建議。


In order to provide better leisure and recreation opportunities and improve the quality of life for all racial/ethnic groups, public recreation planning and management agencies should be sensitive to the needs/differences of recreation participation and facility usage between and within diverse subcultural groups. Residents of Liyu lake in Hualien were the study population. Survey instruments were administered in 2008. Two hundred and forty-five questionnaires were collected, including 73 Holo, 106 Taroko, and 66 Amis. The results revealed that the use patterns were significantly different among three ethnic groups. It showed that 11 out of 21 recreation activities were not significantly different, yet 10 were significantly different. In addition, facility usage was not significantly different. Two conclusions were drawn. First, the study identified racial/ethnic differences in recreation preferences and participation patterns. Secondly, the relatonship between recreation behavior and subcultural factors is complex, thus deficiency of marginality and ethnicity hypotheses was verified. Recommendations were made for public recreation planning and management agencies and for future research.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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