


The Formation of Community Members' Emotional Attachment and Relationship Hindrance in the Tourism Micro-blogging




李奇樺(Chi-Hua Li)


社群網絡 ; 感情依附 ; 態度忠誠 ; 行為忠誠 ; 關係障礙 ; social networks ; emotional attachment ; attitude loyalty ; behavior loyalty ; relationship hindrance




18卷3期(2012 / 12 / 01)


209 - 236






The flourishing of Otaku Economy and virtual communities has hooked up friends who have little or no opportunity to get together in a relatively intangible way. A critical factor behind the booming of micro-blogging lies in its integration and expansion of social networks as well as its role in building new network relationships. This article will be through self-determination theory, referred to the three basic human needs, namely autonomy, relatedness and competence needs, to understand their favorite tourism micro-blogging, is due to meet these three psychological needs, and produce emotional attachment behavior, further formation of attitude loyalty and behavior loyalty. And explore the reasons for the formation of relationship hindrance. This study is using the internet for survey research, total recovery of 358 valid questionnaires. The results showed that when the needs for relatedness and competence are satisfied, and community members will develop the emotional attachment. Emotional attachment plays an important role as an intermediary will affect the attitude loyalty and behavior loyalty generation, and the last will have an impact on the risk of relationship hindrance. In the academic contribution, hoping by construct of A-R-C, to a deeper understanding of community members due to tourism micro-blog can establish relatedness and self competence and lead to emotional attachment. In the practical contribution, the results show relatedness is the most important factor lead to emotional attachment. The industry should focus on the business of community relationship and it can effectively enhance community members' attitudes and behavioral loyalty.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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