


A Study on the Relationship between Leisure Experience and Leisure Satisfaction with the Taiwanese Coastal Recreational Industry's Customer-The Mediating Role of Customer Participation




高瑞新(Rui-Hsin Kao);何月妃(Yueh-Fei Ho);高瑞鍾(Jui-Chung Kao)


海域遊憩產業 ; 休閒體驗 ; 顧客參與 ; 休閒滿意 ; coastal recreational industry ; leisure experience ; customer participation ; leisure satisfaction




19卷2期(2013 / 08 / 01)


151 - 177






Using customers of Taiwanese coastal recreation industry, this study aims to investigate the relationship between leisure experience and leisure satisfaction. The mediating effect of customer participation is also explored in this study. Two hundred and thirty-one customers from three Taiwanese coastal recreational firms were interviewed in this study. Descriptive statistics, Pearson analysis and SEM were used to analyze and verify the hypotheses. It was found that leisure experience has a positive effect on customer participation and leisure satisfaction. It was also found that customer participation has a positive effect on leisure satisfaction. Leisure experience was also found to have a positive effect on leisure satisfaction through the mediation of customer participation. This study recommends that the coastal recreational industry integrate local culture, by holding various coastal leisure activities in order to provide the customer with memorable experiences. Furthermore, in order for the customers to experience coastal leisure activities, the industry could focus on participation, such as cooperating with civil groups, holding more events, and integrating nearby recreational resources. Implications and future development are discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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