


Beauty of Illusion or Reality? The Influence of Distance on Foreigners' City Image and the Moderation of Formation Agents on It




卓信佑(Hsin-You Chuo);賴佩吟(Pei-Yin Lai)


旅遊地意象 ; 距離 ; 意象形成機制 ; 整體意象 ; destination image ; distance ; image formation agents ; overall image




19卷3期(2013 / 12 / 01)


207 - 231






The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of distance and image formation agents on foreigners' perception of a city. A sample consisting of 156 international students from Japan was obtained through a purposive sampling procedure. Quantitative data regarding Taichung city image were collected through structured questionnaires. Hierarchical regression analysis was performed to analyze the data. The results show that distance has a significant negative influence on city image, and the organic agents have a significant negative moderating effect between distance and city image. The results imply that distance tends to make foreigners form a negative city image; however, for those who pay close attention to organic agents, the moderating effect inverts negative-influenced relationship to be positive-influenced. Based on the results, academic implications and managerial applications were further discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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