


Design Factors of Museum Mobile Navigation System for SmartPhone APP




李有仁(Eldon Y. Li);張芳凱(Fang-Kai Chang)


博物館導覽 ; 導覽系統成功因素 ; 智慧型手機 ; 博物館導覽系統 ; 層級分析 ; Museum navigation ; success factors of navigation system ; Smartphone ; museum navigation system ; analytic hierarchy process




22卷1期(2016 / 04 / 01)


61 - 94




數位科技與文化觀光的結合讓遊客不再只滿足於被動的安排參訪,因此必頇要思考結合智慧型手機的行動導覽系統,以提升遊客的參訪收穫。本研究以國立故宮博物院的參訪者為研究對象,透過相關文獻與國內外博物館個人數位導覽系統發展現況為基礎,建構7 個主準則與38 個影響因素作為導覽系統設計之考量。在運用層級分析程序法分析後發現,提高導覽系統的資訊品質以及提升使用者與系統溝通的便利性,可以幫助使用者提高使用系統的意願度,並且會潛移默化的提升使用者的知識水帄。使用者發覺自身知識提升的潛在可能之後,會更進而提高系統的使用率。


Due to the integration of cultural tourism and digital technology, tourists are no longer passively satisfied with pre-arranged tours. Museums should be concerned with how to embed a mobile museum navigation system into smart phones to enhance the learning experience of tourists. This study uses the National Palace Museum visitors as research subjects and categorizes seven design guidelines with 38 influential factors based on literature reviews and analyses of personal digital navigation systems from various domestic and foreign museums. Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP), this study found that both improving information quality in the navigation systems, and enhancing the convenience of communication between user and the system improve not only the tourist’s willingness to use the system but also enhances the user’s level of knowledge. Furthermore, when users realize the potential of enhancing knowledge by using the system, they will increase their use of the system.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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