


A Comparison of Three Behavior Intention Models in the Overseas Traveling Domain for the Senior and Pre-senior Groups




許聰鑫(Tsong-Shin Sheu);王熙哲(Kenneth Hsi-Che Wang);王國明(Kuo-Ming Wang);林惟秋(Wei-Qiu Lin)


理性行為理論 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 自我調整理論 ; 銀髮族 ; 前銀髮族 ; theory of reasoned action ; theory of planned behavior ; theory of self-regulation ; senior group ; pre-senior group




22卷1期(2016 / 04 / 01)


95 - 122




以理性行為理論(TRA)為基礎,計畫行為理論(TPB)增加「知覺行為控制」以強化行為意圖的解釋,而自我調整理論(TSR)則強調情感性動機因素「欲望」中介了態度對意圖的影響,以強化行為意圖的解釋。本文以銀髮族與前銀髮族國外旅遊行為意圖為研究標的,在全台16縣市發放2,400 份問卷,有效回收率為80.1%。其中750 份為有效的銀髮族問卷,547 份為有效的前銀髮族問卷。採用結構方程模式分析方法,進行測量模式與結構模式的驗證。研究結果驗證了TPB 與TSR 兩模式的預測力均優於TRA 模式;而TPB 與TSR 兩模式的預測力優劣則視應用背景而定。在本研究標的下,TSR 模式於前銀髮族的預測力優於TPB 模式,而TPB 模式於銀髮族的預測力則優於TSR 模式。


Based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA), the theory of planned behavior (TPB) adds the construct, perceived behavior control, into the model to improve the prediction power of behavior intention. On the other hand, the theory of self-regulation (TSR) includes the construct, desire, to enhance the prediction of behavior intention. Seniors (65 and above) and pre-seniors (between 50 and 64) with intentions to travel abroad were chosen to participate in the research study. From the 2400 questionnaires that were distributed among 16 cities in Taiwan, 1922 valid ones were collected. Of the valid questionnaires, 750 (39%) and 547 (28.5%) were from the seniors’ group and pre-senior’s group respectively. The measurement model and structure model were subsequently verified via structure equation modeling. Study results show the superiority of the TPB and TSR models in predicting behavior intension over the TRA model. This study proposes that the superiority of TPB and TSR models in predicting behavior intention depends on the context. Study results show that attitude, desire, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control are influential in predicting senior and pre-senior groups’ intentions for traveling abroad. Based on the research results, some important theoretical and practical implications are presented.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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