Drawing upon field theory, this paper explores dog walkers’ social interaction in Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Park and its implications for leisure studies. Qualitative research methods include behavioral observation, environmental analysis, semi-structured interviews, and archival research. Social interaction occurs within the social fields when dog walkers encounter one another in psychological fields, namely life spaces. The process forms the first-level socialization system. There is a secondary socialization system created among dog walkers and non-dog walkers. The physical field of the park facilitates the social fields among dog walkers in terms of public gatherings and planned parties. This paper responds to the gap of symbolic interactionism of dog walking research by uncovering the roles of individuals’ agency, community formation, and ecological context. It specifically discusses the importance of the forces, group dynamics, and physical settings. This study suggests the existence of a set of principles underlying dog walking-based socialization, and provides suggestions for further studies.
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